Wednesday, 8 March 2017

The Enchantress Night

On this Woman's Day I am presenting you the painting of "The Enchantress Night"..!
This painting is my tribute to the night..! I am always a night lover, I love to stay awake at night without any reason, I love to wander at night, the best memory of my childhood was the summer nights when we used to sleep at the roof and I got a chance to stare at the stars for as much as I wanted to..! The night which is silent and mysterious and contains a lot of secrets in her dark hood but along with these she also contains beauty. Some special and most beautiful flowers only blooms at night, some birds sing their most beautiful songs only at night and also some most wonderful creatures wander only at night..!
So in this painting I personified the character of Night and when I was searching for the characteristics of Night I found out about Greek Goddess Nyx who stood near the beginning of creation and mothered other personified deities such as Hypnos(Sleep), Thanatos (Death) and Erabus (Darkness).

Disclaimer: The animal I tried to paint in this painting is a Wolf..😝😝😝 so please cooperate if you saw him as a fox or dog or any likewise animal 😂😂